2008年4月24日 星期四

Space for Reading

Space for Reading

I used to dream of owning a house with a private library.

This design is intriguing because it was based on a story about reading. The act of reading and the role of the book originate in the concept that humans remember the past and finds reflections in the past’s legacy. Reading is an activity that gives meaning to human life and links the past to the future. Reading quenches the spirit quenching and gradually reveals the truth of human existence.

The book is a bridge that allows humans to travel in time and space.

The client loved books and owns a large collection including some very precious rare books. When the client offered the commission he had already set a precise program for the designer. He wanted his space to accommodate his entire collection, and the books needed to be dust-free on shelves and easily accessible. He advised the designer that his books were not to be treated as museum objects. The books are for reading not showing off his fortune.
